Miami trip

I finally arrived from my trip to the USA. It has been an intense but very exciting month, I had to ask for the month off from work since I really needed to disconnect from Oslo. I've mainly gone to fights with other companies, and I've had fights with the most popular American wrestlers that I would ever think I would meet or fight in my life. Unfortunately I can't give more details on the blog, otherwise the person who runs hunkswrestling would kill me, but I'm sure you'll find out in the next few weeks or months. What I'm here to bring you are two collaborative home videos I did with Gabe Steel and Jeremy Tyler. With this stuff I unintentionally messed up this month's releases, but well I hope for a good reason. I have to clarify that these videos are NOT official videos of hunkswrestling, but they are collaborations. As you know, I don't have an onlyfans page to distribute my own videos, so hunkswrestling helps me a lot with this, since I don't ...