DARK JR takes a vacation

One of the main hunkswrestling wrestlers had been missing for some time. He did not attend the last meeting of the producer of wrestling videos, where he was discussing current issues and the plan for 2020.

Some of us were wondering what had happened to him, if perhaps he was not in good health. But everything has been revealed by him when he told us that he has simply taken a vacation and a break from his work.

Dark JR, along with Steve Mason, are the most successful Spanish wrestlers and their fighting videos maintain the best-selling rankings on Hunkswrestling.com


  1. Good that was only vacation and nothing with health. We all love Dark JR and hopefully he will make some more vids for hunkswrestling soon. ��

  2. Hope Dark Jr comes back soon! Such a handome stud.

    1. Is that girl his girlfriend?

    2. That seems, I wonder if he is bisexual or straight

  3. I would like to know if new matches is planned soon in hunkswrestling with him

    1. sure, he will come back in 2020 for new matches, we will update about them when they are planned

    2. I think she is his girlfriend, he's a bisexual guy

  4. Many of these guys are bisexual too


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